Self Mastery Course 1: Emotional Discipline

Self Mastery Course




Self Mastery Course

20 Lessons

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Welcome to the Self Mastery Coaching platform. We believe this is the hardest platform of all the 7 platforms and the one most entrepreneurs aren’t prepared to take action on. Why? because it challenges all of your values and beliefs that you have been taught since you were a child from yoiur parents, education and religious systems and society. Without breaking through here you will get stuck in your belief systems just like everyone else. If you want to stand out from the crowd and become financially free you need to work more on yourself then anything else!

Self Mastery Course 1: Emotional Discipline

Self Mastery Course

Congratulations for accepting the challenge and deciding to go down the rabbit hole. You are about to learn things that you may have never heard of before. Your values and beliefs will be challenged but that's okay. So long as you are learning and gaining knowledge the pieces of the puzzle will come together in good time.

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Self Mastery Course

In the red door we disccused the power of the mind and how setting goals are very important when we think and feel from our goals. There is one other challenge and it is the 3rd brain called the cerebellum. This is the brain that has stored all of your habits from your past. If your past was full of struggle and stress you will have blocks that could be holding you back.

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Self Mastery Course

As mentioned in the last lesson our habits from our past create our future. If you are not happy with your present and your future you may need to revisit your past and fin out what was it that you learnt in the past that is blocking you from having the life of your dreams.

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Self Mastery Course

So now you've learnt a little more about the power of the mind and the difference between the thinking brain and the feeling brain it is important that we give you an introduction to the 7 Colored wheels that are aligned within our body and how these energy centres can affect your decision making, mindset and health.

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Self Mastery Course

These videos explain how to get the answers from your behavioural questionnaire and plot the graphs so you can start to learn how to read and understand your behavioural profile. This is a great start to understanding yourself and others.

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Self Mastery Course

In this video you will find out the behavioural type of the 4 animals associated in the behavioural profile graph. Each one has strengths and weaknesses. It is your goal to learn these traits for all the animals and understand where your strengths are and where you need to work to improve yourself.

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Self Mastery Course

Now that you have an understanding of how our internal energy system works from an eastern philosophical perspective, it's important to understand the components of our physical body and how our external world affects our internal world from birth. This lesson is a must to focus on.

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Self Mastery Course

Our internal influencers are those influencers who created or had a hand in our learnings from the moment we were born until about the age of 18 years of age when our identity has been formed and we become adults. Although most of your emotions and values and beliefs will have been formed by the age of 13. So it is here that we must start on our journey to find out what emotional blocks are stopping you from financial success and your life's dreams

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Self Mastery Course

Although we are fighting with our own internal demons it's important that we realise these internal demons have been moulded and influenced by external forces who have manipulated our world through media, education systems, religious systems and corporate companies to create a set of beliefs that we believe to be true. This would be okay if those external influencers had humanities best interests at heart. Unfortunately that is not the case.

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Self Mastery Course

in this video David reviews what you have learnt so far so that you can take stock and regroup and get ready for the next phase mof 'How to overcome' those challenges that we face!

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Self Mastery Course

Now it's time to wear our hearts on our sleeves and dig deep into our hearts and really express our truth about our past childhood and release those negative blocks that are holding us back.

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Self Mastery Course

Now it's time to wear our hearts on our sleeves and dig deep into our hearts and really express our truth about our past childhood and release those negative blocks that are holding us back.

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Self Mastery Course

Emotional freedom technique is a great way to release any tension from any pressure situation as quickly as possible. THis exercise could help you break through those glass ceilings quickly and affectively.

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Self Mastery Course

In this video the Coach does some tapping examples around some blocks or fears that could be self sabotaging your financial success. You can use these examples to help you or work on your own tapping whenever you feel you are blocked or emotionally struggling with any challenges that maybe occurring on a day to day basis.

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Self Mastery Course

In this video you are going to learn why meditation is vital to your financial success, your health, your clarity, creativity, positive attitude and decision making abilities. 

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Self Mastery Course

The challenge most of us have with the art of meditating is a lack of concentration. This comes from a world of so many available things at our disposal to distract us from concentrating on one thing at a time.

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Self Mastery Course

Guided meditation is a great way to get started on your meditation journey. It is easy to follow along and you have someone guiding you with a nice sound background connecting to all of the right chemicals in the brain to keep you focused on a positive mindset. In this video David steps you through an 'I AM' meditation similiar to the one that was created for you. Enjoy.

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Self Mastery Course

In this video we will guide you through a simple sound meditation that you can use every day to help you quickly clear your energy centre's in the body. This is a quick 7 minute meditation for the busy entrepreneur.

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Self Mastery Course

The final video explains the candle meditation process. David finds this technique to be the most effective for him over his lifetime. It is certainly not the easiest but the most effective and has helped change his life!

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Self Mastery Course

Congratulations! You have completed the first orange door and now it's time to find out how much you actually retained and to receive your FREE $450 Business Gift!

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About the teacher


David Bayne has been a business and life coach for over 20 years working with and guiding thousands of business owners to successful outcomes in their business and life. David guarantees if you follow the program exactly how it has been set out and in a timely manner, you will achieve growth in all areas of your life.

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